Published by – Bk Ganapati
Category - Philosophy & Subcategory - Karma
Summary - Karma philosophy
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1 Image Karma 25694 2017-12-28 00:53:52
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3 Image Lord Mahavira & Cow Herder 2243 2017-12-28 00:53:52
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Details ( Page:- Karma )
एक बार एक  धनी व्यक्ति मंदिर जाता है। 
पैरों में महँगे और नये जूते होने पर सोचता है कि क्या करूँ?
यदि बाहर उतार कर जाता हूँ तो कोई उठा ले जाये और अंदर पूजा में मन भी नहीं लगेगा; सारा ध्यान् जूतों पर ही रहेगा।
उसे मंदिर के बाहर एक भिखारी बैठा दिखाई देता है। वह धनी व्यक्ति भिखारी से कहता है " भाई मेरे जूतों का ध्यान रखोगे? जब तक मैं पूजा करके वापस जाऊँ" भिखारी हाँ कर देता है।

अंदर पूजा करते समय धनी व्यक्ति सोचता है कि " हे प्रभु आपने यह कैसा असंतुलित संसार बनाया है?
किसी को इतना धन दिया है कि वह पैरों तक में महँगे जूते पहनता है तो किसी को अपना पेट भरने के लिये भीख तक माँगनी पड़ती है!
कितना अच्छा हो कि सभी एक समान हो जायें!!
"वह धनिक निश्चय करता है कि वह बाहर आकर उस भिखारी को 100 का एक नोट देगा।
बाहर आकर वह धनी व्यक्ति देखता है कि वहाँ तो वह भिखारी है और ही उसके जूते।
धनी व्यक्ति ठगा सा रह जाता है। वह कुछ देर भिखारी का इंतजार करता है कि शायद भिखारी किसी काम से कहीं चला गया हो, पर वह नहीं आया। धनी व्यक्ति दुखी मन से नंगे पैर घर के लिये चल देता है।
रास्ते में थोड़ी दूर फुटपाथ पर देखता है कि एक आदमी जूते चप्पल बेच रहा है।
धनी व्यक्ति चप्पल खरीदने के उद्देश्य से वहाँ पहुँचता है, पर क्या देखता है कि उसके जूते भी वहाँ बेचने के लिए रखे हैं।
तो वह अचरज में पड़ जाता है फिर वह उस फुटपाथ वाले पर दबाव डालकर उससे जूतों के बारे में पूछता हो वह आदमी बताता है कि एक भिखारी उन जूतों को 100 रु. में बेच गया है।
धनी व्यक्ति वहीं खड़े होकर कुछ सोचता है और मुस्कराते हुये नंगे पैर ही घर के लिये चल देता है। उस दिन धनी व्यक्ति को उसके सवालों के जवाब मिल गये थे----
समाज में कभी एकरूपता नहीं सकती,  क्योंकि हमारे कर्म कभी भी एक समान नहीं हो सकते।
और जिस दिन ऐसा हो गया उस दिन समाज-संसार की सारी विषमतायें समाप्त हो जायेंगी।
*ईश्वर ने हर एक मनुष्य के भाग्य में लिख दिया है कि किसको कब और कितना मिलेगा, पर यह नहीं लिखा कि वह कैसे मिलेगा। यह हमारे कर्म तय करते हैं। जैसे कि भिखारी के लिये उस दिन तय था कि उसे 100 रु. मिलेंगे, पर कैसे मिलेंगे यह उस भिखारी ने तय किया।*

हमारे कर्म ही हमारा भाग्य, यश, अपयश, लाभ, हानि, जय, पराजय, दुःख, शोक, लोक, परलोक तय करते हैं।* हम इसके लिये ईश्वर को दोषी नहीं ठहरा सकते हैं

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The soul performs  sins birth after birth  during Dwapar yuga (Copper Age) and Kaliyuga (Iron Age)  under the  influence of vices.   These sins get accumulated,   if not settled in the same birth, and then are  carried forward to  next births  called  Karma Account.


The pending sins  of the past lives to be  settled by either
Mental distress,  TOO MUCH  OVERTHINKING OF  UNHAPPY  PAST,  PRESENT  &  FUTURE  INSECURITIES  (Bhogna) or   By  Yoga (remembrance of God). 
In other words,  one can settle these karmic accounts either  through igniting the fire  of remembrance  in  our  Soul Seed Stage (bodiless / ashariri state )  and  burning the sins and  becoming Karmaateet or  through sufferings in various ways.

2)  The mental disease due to stress,  distress, panic and  trauma ,  mental  retard,  depression,   due to the feelings and  sentiments of hurt in  relationships also  result in  settling of the  account.

3)   Natural Calamities:  This is a quick method of settlement of all sins performed and accumulated  during Dwapar  Yuga and Kaliyuga.  Since it is now final period  and everyone  has to return home,  the bulk settlement  takes place by suffering the  pains and sorrow  of  untimely deaths and  quick births [ jail of womb ]. 
Every pregnancy  is like a prison term  for the soul, in foetus.   They soul, trapped in the  mother’s womb,  suffers and settles a  part of karmic account.   He is given a vision of the  vikarma he had committed and  only then  he is  punished  by  the Dharmaraj.   He assures that he will improve and  requests to take him out.  
Finally, the child comes out crying.   In his early childhood,   he is really very sweet. However,  as the time goes,   the University of World teaches  him the mundane  tricks of  the trade.

4)   Punishment  through Dharmaraj / God:   At the end, all our  sins appear in front of us   like  evil spirits  or, the  so-called  Demons of Death   make us  scared &  we  writhe  in  deep  guilt ,  shame &  pain. 
There will be  severe pain,  much worse than  that in  the  worst   jails  of today   like feeling of   peeling of skins etc.  and internal burning leading to serious  cries  of distress and  repentance for some time.
But , out those period's  One second’s punishment   will be felt as  if suffering  for months.
5)  The physical sicknesses,  disease,  illness,   help  us to settle karmic  account. 
Handicapped or deformed  body:  This is another common  method  where soul suffers bodily and mentally ;  thus it  settles the past sins.

6) Loss of wealth, property,   power,   status and   prestige are also the means of  settling   the account.

7) By the  Fire of Yoga (Yoga-agni) :   When we honestly  tell the  God Father, The Sun of  Truth,   whatever   misdeeds we have committed in this present life,  50% of the same is  waived  of by Him.   However,   we have to remain alert for not repeating   the same misdeeds.  
The remaining 50% can be absolved   by the fire of yoga.   Even then it is quite likely that one  may get slight  suffering like pricking of a  thorn instead of  crucification. 
The soul  may not feel the sorrow  as it is detached  and it lets the body  settle the account.  
However,  the pending karmas  of the past lives have to be  settled totally by  yoga. 

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Details ( Page:- Lord Mahavira & Cow Herder )
Lord Mahavir, as usual, was always going from one place to other, he stopped near a big tree to meditate. While he was meditating, a cow herder came there with his cows. The cow herder wanted someone to look after the cows so he can go somewhere to finish something else he wanted to do. The cow herder asked Lord Mahavir if he would look after his cows for a few hours. Lord Mahavir was in deep meditation, and did not reply to the cow herder. However, the cow herder went away thinking that Lord Mahavir had heard him.
In a few hours, the cow herder returned and found that his cows were missing. He asked Lord Mahavir, "Where are my cows? What did you do with them?" Lord Mahavir was still in meditation and did not reply. He started wondering.
"Where could they be?"
Since, Lord Mahavir did not reply, the cow herder searched for them everywhere in the valley, but could not find them.
He came back where Lord Mahavir was , and to his amazement, his cows were there standing near Lord Mahavir. Lord Mahavir was still meditating. 
The cow herder got very angry at Lord Mahavir because he thought that Lord Mahavir was hiding the cows. So, the cow herder got out his rope and was about to whip Lord Mahavir with it. Just then an angel from heaven came down and held the rope.
"Can't you see that Lord Mahavir is in deep meditation", said the angel that had come from heaven.
"But he tricked me!" said the cow herder. The angel replied, "He is a God. He does not care for your cows. He was in meditation and did not hear you. He did not do anything to your cows. You would have gotten bad karmas for thinking of hurting him."
There was no response by the cow herder. He realized that he had made a mistake. 
The cow herder apologized to Lord Mahavira and went away silently. The angel went back up in the sky. The angel was happy that he could stop Mahavir from suffering. Mahavir didn't have any bad feelings towards this man, because he held no anger towards anyone.
*We should not make hasty decisions because we can be wrong. We should, also, not hurt anyone, and should observe forgiveness instead of anger. This way we can stop new karmas from coming into our soul.*

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